The Mogensen Protectorate


There are 6 different areas of social structure that is important in Mogensen life. The 6 areas are listed below.

Royalty Military Expansion Law & Order Travel Trade


There are 30 Royal families, derived from 6 royal bloodlines.

They are:

Beccah Lyn Dray Shar Pai'R Tee-Tee
Jameen Lee Blay Leena Mai'R Ning`A'Neez
Ylee See Th'R Id'Get Teven
Niffer Zee TeeJay Nan'C
Ikal Aggee

Some families, when they grow very large, end up splitting into two families, each taking part of the kingdom, and will usually share similar family names. Sometimes smaller families will merge and become one large family like the Ning and Neez families did (`A' is Mogensen for "and" or "joined").

During marriages of great importance, a family name can be altered to show a connection (Ylee, Lee, See, Zee, Tee-Tee, Leena, and TeeJay is a good example, or the Mai'R and Pai'R).

In the Royal Court, all the family banners fly, with a list of planets below to signify the extent of their domain.

There will soon be a few (better) pictures here of the Royal Court....

The Royal Court is a huge building, that sits on top of an inactive volcano (8Km's high), directly upon the planet's north pole. The entire Royal complex totally fills the caldera of the volcano. The throne room is the highest room of the complex, and is circular.

Around it's circumference are 30 massive marble pillars, each bearing a Family name, and from which the family banner flies. The Emperor sits in his throne in the middle of the room, facing his family's banner.

Because of the small axial tilt (3 degrees), the sun NEVER sets from this room. Every hour of every day of the year, the sun shines on the Emperor.

The day officially begins when the sun aligns itself with the Emperor's family's pillar, and each hour, as the sun aligns itself with a new pillar, that hour starts. The day is divided into 30 hours, but they are not tracked numerically, instead they are named for one of the Royal families (the one which currently aligns from the sun to the throne)


Only Royal Families are allowed to own military vessels and naval fleets. These are used to control their planets from internal and external threats, including other Royal Families. They also serve the Protectorate, each ship required to donate a month of work to the Emperor, and available to be called to duty in times of war. The size of these fleets however, is limited by the size of the family's banner (number of planets).

Mogensen ships are singularly different from all other races in their design of their ships. While all other races build their ships horizontally, with decks running from the bridge at the front to the engines at the rear, Mogensen ships are built vertically. The top deck being the "front" of the ship, and the lowest deck is the engine room. Picture an apartment building, with the penthouse being the front, and the engines in the basement.

Mogensen ships are devised around a 3 command system, each with equal authority.
#1. Inboard Command. Responsible for the actual control of the ship, and movement of all goods within it. In charge of maintenance, and repair, piloting and astrogation.

#2. Outboard Command. Responsible for offense and defense. This command controls all weapon systems, as well as all small craft from the moment they are launched until they are recovered.

#3. Ground Command. Responsible for control of troops and small craft once in an atmosphere of a planet.

Mogensen combat ships have three identical command decks, and often a backup bridge (or two). Each command deck consists of a large holographic display area, surrounded by 30 command stations. Personnel sit in each station, in virtual reality suits. All controls are virtual, and therefore, each position can be customized to each staff person. This also means any bridge can perform any command, depending upon which system is loaded to the computer. For the inboard command, the holograph will show the ship's interior, damage control parties, cargo/ammunition and it's movement within the ship, etc. For outboard command, the holograph shows local space including other ships and their trajectories (blue for projected trajectories, red for past trajectories), planets, moons, asteroids, etc. For planetary command, the holograph shows the planet's surface, showing land forms, cities, ships, military targets and units (friendly and foreign), etc.

The commander (or the 1st or 2nd officer) controls the holograph, scaling it and rotating it to view different parts. Each of the remaining 27 bridge officers deals only with their own virtual reality, and do not (usually) view the holograph.

Battleships are built around their main launch tubes. Fighters are all stationed on one deck, where they stand on their tail. There are areas for general storage, as well as loading and prep, plus maintenance and repair. Each deck has two launch tubes, usually used one for launch, one for recovery. But either can be used for either job. On larger ships, more flight decks are added, each with their own two tubes assigned to them. When multiple decks are used, each is assigned their own 2 tubes, but in an emergency, can use any of the tubes.

Recovery is controlled by outboard command, where one (or more) officers will use their VR gear to "grab" a spaceship and pull it into the tube. This activates the small craft's autopilot, or the tractor beam if the small craft is damaged.

Small craft (larger than fighters) are treated slightly differently. They have 2 decks of their own, and a single (larger) launch/recovery tube. The main deck is for the ships themselves, maintenance, repair, prep, etc. The other deck is used for storing modules, that are then delivered to the main deck via a lift in the floor. These modules allow any small craft to fill a variety of missions. Usually carried modules include:
Executive transportation
Troop transport, with ground assault fire
APC carrier, with ground assault fire
Fuel transport (undefended)
Command post, with air defense fire
Cargo (undefended)
Scientific study (atmospheric, geologic, botanical)
Colonization module (A sort of combination of all the above)

The exact number and composition of modules varies from ship to ship, and mission to mission. Eg. in war time, expect to see more troop and APC modules, while an exploration module would have more scientific and cargo modules.

Ground combat troops are under command of Ground Comm once they arrive on a planet, and Inboard Comm while still on-board (for which they provide security details, etc.).

You won't find any "Star Trek away missions" where the Captain beams down to a strange planet. The Ground Commander stays on-board and directs ground troops. The actual Ship's Captain (Inboard Commander) **NEVER** leaves the ship unless it is docked at a military starbase.

In general, Mogensen ships are large, and well armed. Their virtual command system, modular small craft, and general design makes them useful in a large variety of situations. A single large ship often take on a myriad of roles in it's service career, from frontier cruiser and colonization ship, to battleship, carrier, or ground suppression. And often can switch such varied roles in as little as a few days stop over at a starport.

Turreted weapons use a standardized turret module. This often leads to excess wasted space within a turret assembly. This waste of space is offset however, by the ability to remove an entire turret and replace it with a different weapon turret, that is mission specific (multiple small craft engagement, single large weapon, or planetary bombardment).

Large ships are not known for their speed or agility, relying instead on firepower and brute strength. For their size, a Mogensen ship can easily outgun a ship twice it's size.


While the Protectorate was expanding, all the large families were building ships as fast as possible. If an Imperial ship (or family ship under Imperial service) discovered a new planet, it was claimed "for the Protectorate" and is considered an "open planet" (this describes the majority of Mogensen worlds). If a family owned ship discovered a new planet, it was claimed for that family.

While all families maintain a house on homeworld, it is only a show piece. All families have moved their actual base of operations to one of their own planets, giving each royal family their own "home planet" so to speak. These home planets are the seat of the family's power, and of their main shipyards. It is also the site of an Imperial naval shipyard. The constant flow of Imperial ships, an ever-present reminder that the family holds power only at the Emperor's whim, and that the Emperor can see the size of the family's fleet.

On open planets, most families have royal homes or enclaves. These vary from family to family, and planet to planet. Some are merely Consulate buildings, while others stretch to be small nations in their own right. Though these regions remain under that families control, few open planets are truly balkanized. The Emperor decrees which family will rule the planet for him, and this person acts as Governor of the planet. On occasion, an Emperor will decree that a certain individual will rule the planet, either for the family, or in exchange for that person leaving their family (and in turn becoming their own Royal family). If a family is getting too strong, the Emperor will usually remove some of the open planets under their control.

Law & Order

While exact penalties differ from planet to planet (depending upon which house is ruling), some generalities apply.

Minor, no victim Usually settled through fines
Minor, with victim Mandatory military service
Major Forced labour camps (these range is size from a small camp, to continents, moons, or entire planets!)
ie. slavery to the state
Action taken against royaltydeath (and often torture)
Debtors who fail to pay Deb-teesindentured servitude (slavery)

The Emperor's laws (Imperial Law) takes precedence over the entire Protectorate. This is then followed by the family's laws (Royal Law), covering that region. Below that is the ruling person's laws (Governor's Law).

For most parts of the Protectorate, nothing can be done without a permit, and payment of applicable fees. Waiting time can be lengthy and will often be made longer if it appears you are able to pay a bribe. While bribery is common, it is sometimes faster and cheaper to buy a forgery... though not always safer.

Law enforcement is performed by the military, there being no "police forces" per say. Criminal investigation is often brutal, and can sometimes be worse than the penalty itself.

Each Royal house has it's own secret police force and network of spies.

In the eyes of the law, all are NOT created equal. The higher your social standing, or wealthier you are, the more lenient the courts will be. Most royalty is, quite literally, above the law.


Travel within the Protectorate is tightly controlled, and requires the right documentation. Privately owned jump-capable ships are banned within the Protectorate, with NO exceptions! (jump engines are considered military by nature, thereby only Royal families may own them).

It is best to visit a local consulate or travel agent to obtain travel permits BEFORE entering the Protectorate. If you can't do this first, then you are strongly advised to head DIRECTLY to a major system. Unannounced arrival at minor systems will result in your immediate detainment and seizure of your ship. There will be a thorough search of your ship, and you must validate your reason for not having documents ("I didn't know" isn't good enough). Once they are satisfied with your explanation, you MAY be released with only a fine. (Keep in mind, those unable to pay debts will have all possessions confiscated, and may be forced into slavery)


To become a trader within the Protectorate, you must be registered and licensed with the Imperial Trade Office. You will be expected to register all cargo with them. The ITO is notorious for being easily bribable though.

Despite all the regulations, trade flourishes. If you trade openly expect delays and heavy taxes. If you trade on the grey market you will make a decent profit, but will be fined if caught. Dealing on the black market is lucrative, but risky.

Military supplies may only be traded (legally) with Royal Houses.

Trade in drugs and other vices is legal in most regions of the Protectorate, though some families may outlaw it in their regions.

See Also: Mogensen Society

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents � Eddie Collins , Chris Page & George Hornmoen